Sunday, March 31, 2019
Paradigm And Paradigm Shifts
Paradigm And Paradigm ShiftsThe word icon first appe argond in English in the 15th century. It comes from Greek, inwardness an example or pattern, and it smooth holds this meaning today. For nearly 400 years it has also been applied in varieties of grammatical properties including verbs, nouns, and early(a) parts of speech of a language. In linguistics, Ferdinand de de Saussure used it to insinuate to a class of elements with similarities.According to 1900 Merriam-Webster dictionary it is delineate as a philosophical and theoretical cloth of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them argon formulated broadly a philosophical or theoretical good example of any harming.From the 1960s onward, the word has been used in acquirement to refer to a theoretical framework, as when Nobel Laureate David Baltimore cited the work of two colleagues that unfeignedly established a new paradigm for the c ausation of cancer. Thereafter, researchers in legion(predicate) distinct fields tried to explore this concept.WHAT IS A figure of speech?The historiographer of science, Thomas Kuhn was the first to use the terminus for science, and referred to the set of practices that define a scientific discipline at certain point in time. He meant something like a framework, a dominant way of thinking and doing things, sh ared show up expectations and rules. Further he termed something as disciplinary matrix. He also suggested that paradigms are discrete (separate) and culturally based. For example, a Chinese medical researcher, with an in-depth knowledge of eastern medicine, will live in a different paradigm than a purely western researcher.Alternatively, the Oxford English Dictionary defines paradigm as a pattern or model, an exemple. Thus an additional component of Kuhns definition of paradigm is that how is an experiment to be carried, and what equipment is available to carry the expe riment.SCIENTIFIC PARADIGMA scientific paradigm, in the most basic sense of the word, is a framework containing all of the commonly accepted views about a subject, a structure of what direction research should take and how it should be performed (Shuttleworth, 2008).In 1962, Thomas Kuhn, in his entertain The Structure of Scientific Revolutions defined scientific paradigm as what is to be discovered and inspected, the type of questions that are supposed to be asked and examined for answers in relation to this subject, how these questions are to be organized and how the results of scientific investigations should be analysed.WHAT IS A PARADIGMS ROLE?The philosopher, Thomas Kuhn suggested that scientific research does not progress towards truths, besides is subject to belief and rebrinying emotionally attached to old theories. He gave four basic ways in which a paradigm indirectly influences the scientific dish up as mentioned above. A paradigm entangles what is studied and resear ched, the kind of questions that are asked, the structure and nature of the questions and how the results of any research are interpreted.Kuhn believed that science required periods of patiently gathering data, in a paradigm, and because conversion occurred as the paradigm turn to maturity. A paradigm can include some errors but they eventually become impossible, like Ptolemys epicycles, and result in a paradigm shift. The new paradigm is not necessarily cleanse than the old one but it is just different. For example, most psychologists weep at the mention of the Freudian paradigm.WHAT IS A PARADIGM SHIFT?Paradigm shifts are mostly used in sciences that appear to be stable and mature, at the end of the 19th century. A paradigm shift (or renewalary science) is the term used but not named by Thomas Kuhn in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions in 1962. Paradigm shift is a back-to-back vicissitude from one paradigm to another via revolution is the usual developmental pa ttern of mature science. Paradigm shift questions the paradigm itself. It is a motley from one way of thinking to another. Its a revolution, a transformation. . It just does not happen, but rather it is driven by agents of change.It is when the model for a process or application or method changes significantly, typically because there has been a leap. Kuhn believes that a paradigm would make an unexpected leap from one to the next, called a shift, and the new paradigm could not be built upon the foundations of the old. The indirect meaning is that one has stepped off the road that the prior paradigm followed onto an intersecting and discover road.The term paradigm shift has found uses in other contexts, representing the depression of a major change in a certain thought-pattern a radical change in personal beliefs, complex systems or organizations, permutation the previous way of thinking or organizing with a radically different way of thinking or organizing.The Paradigm is close ly related to the Platonic and Aristotelian views of knowledge. Aristotle believed that knowledge could only be based upon what is already known, the prat of the scientific method. Plato believed that knowledge should be judged by what something could become, the end result, or last(a) purpose. Platos philosophy is more like the intuitive leaps that cause scientific revolution Aristotles the patient gathering of data.For example, in physics Newtons Laws were an example of a paradigm, and scientists worked upon his principles for centuries. The discovery of the internal structure of the atom started to find problems in the supposition, and Einstein provided the out of the box thinking that drew the paradigm in another direction.ELEMENTS OF PARADIGM SHIFTA successful paradigm shift requires four main elements. First is pressure for change, second is a clear shared vision, then capacity for change and actionable first step (Kurkela, 2009). If any of these elements is wanting the re sult would be failure of paradigm. Paradigms affect that what kind of learning resources are required and these learning resources further influence what kind of paradigms can be used or developed.THE ROLE OF PARADIGM SHIFTParadigm shift key can start with your trying-on of different existing paradigms. For example, a person has the carriage of being an impostor taking on a new procedure for a season on the stage, or for the duration of a movie. He or she goes into it, knowing that it is for a limited time, and that they will emerge from it the other side. During the play or filming period he/she will hold that character as it is real. Then again actor will rank it down again afterwards. However, while in the play or during filming, the actor tries to become that character, and fulfill the requirement of the role to make it natural.EXAMPLES OF PARADIGM SHIFTS IN THE NATURAL SCIENCESThe transition in cosmogeny from a Ptolemaic cosmology to a Copernican one.The transition in opt ics from geometrical optics to physical optics.The transition in mechanics from Aristotelian mechanics to classical mechanics.The acceptance of Charles Darwins theory of natural selection replaced Lamarckism as the mechanism for evolution.EXAMPLES OF PARADIGM SHIFTS IN THE fond SCIENCESThe movement, known as the Cognitive revolution, away from Behaviourist approaches to psychological contain and the acceptance of cognition as central to studying human behaviour.The Keynesian Revolution is typically viewed as a major shift in macroeconomics.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
The Bespoke Conditions Of Contracts Construction Essay
The Bespoke Conditions Of Contracts verbal expression EssayThis chapter focused on areas of Conditions of Contracts of betoken Forms of Contract in the Dubai formulation perseverance. The made-to-order Conditions of Contracts frequent were modified version of the departure Book. As a Dubai expression assiduity professional the idea was to investigate in deepness of the bespoke Conditions of Contracts were vital and useful to the intentness and in discovericular to the professionals in the industry. It was not anticipated that the current practice to be revised by this look. The real understanding of the issues was to investigate and analytic thinking of the result that enable for a healthy awareness to the saying industry in Dubai.Study stressThe construction industry has characteristics that separately are shared by other industries but in combination appear in construction just (Hillebrandt, 1984 pg1). The UAE is one of the largest and fastest growing economies in the Middle East. The country has witnessed enormous investment in the construction industry from both(prenominal) public and insular enterprises in recent years. It outpaced Saudi Arabia and became the largest construction market in the GCC role in 2008. Followed by Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Egypt the UAE accounted for nearly 20.3% of total construction industry in the region. Despite the sluggish growth in 2009 amidst the global fiscal distress, the construction industry managed to record strong growth during 2007-2009 and contributed approx. 8% to the countrys gross domestic product in 2009 (uae_construction_industry_outlook_2012.html).According to the new research report UAE kink Industry Outlook to 2012, the UAE construction industry is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of around 20% during 2010-2013. Rapid frugal development is the main promoter driving construction activities and radix development in the UAE. The UAE has drawn investments from whole around the world. Mos t of the investments were gener every(prenominal)y focused on the development of infrastructure for tourism, hospitality, retail and healthcare industry. In addition, the efforts of the government activity to diversify its economy to forgo from oil-establish enabled to boost other industries with adequate infrastructure that will enable investments in future (uae_construction_industry_outlook_2012.html).The UAE will continue to develop despite the global economic slowdown, several projects in tourism, housing, industrial and commercial facilities, education and healthcare amenities, transportation, communications, utilities, ports and airports (uae_construction_industry_outlook_2012.html).As per the mull conducted by Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry it was revealed that UAE was currently leadership the current Gulf infrastructure and construction projects. The details appended below in table form as well as graphical presentations. The figures as per the study shows the UA E infrastructure, real estate and construction has vast opportunities for the construction industry professionals (Gulf intelligence Sunday, August 1, 2010)Figure 1.1 ascendent Dubai Chamber base on data from various government agencies (Gulf News Sunday, August 1, 2010)Figure 1.2 opening Dubai Chamber based on data from various government agencies (Gulf News Sunday, August 1, 2010) bow 1.1Aims and Objectives for the ResearchAimsTo study the bespoke Form of Contracts prevalent in Dubai to enable and test the selected guess Employers in Dubai preferred FIDIC 1987 quaternate edition (Red Book) than FIDIC 1999 first edition (New Red Book).ObjectivesTo compare and contrast all relevant Clauses of both FormsTo research and weigh the pro and cons of clauses in both FormsTo research the existing weakness and show how clauses are amended by various employers in the Conditions of Contract.To research the terms in the Form of Contracts and how it affects the Parties involved.To research h ow the RB is used in Lump Sum obligations.To test the hypothesis Employers in Dubai preferred FIDIC 1987 Fourth edition than FIDIC 1999 First editionConstruction law and the legal systemThe term construction law is instantaneously understood universally to cover the whole field of law which at once affects the construction industry and the legal instruments through which it operates. Efficient and workable construction contracts requires that the needs of the construction process and should be taken into account by applying the principles of management. Construction law is, thus, an inter-active subject in which both lawyers and construction professionals, including managers, reserve an essential part to play (Construction Law by trick Uff, one-ninth edition 2005).Construction law and construction contractsThe term construction contracts has a statutory definitions covering most but not all types of construction work, and including both building and engineering work (Constructi on Law by John Uff, Ninth edition 2005).A contract is a binding discernment between two or more persons (such as individuals, businesses, organizations or government agencies) to do, or to refrain from doing, a particular thing in supersede for something of value. The Contracts generally can be written, using formal or versed terms, or entirely verbal. If one party fails to live up to its part of the bargain, theres a breach and certain remedies for solving the differences are available. The terms of the contract (such as who, what, where, when, and how of the agreement) define the binding promises of each party to the contract (http// Accessed on 07 August 2010).HypothesisThe hypothesis of the dissertation is Employers in Dubai preferred FIDIC 1987 quartern edition (Red Book) than FIDIC 1999 first edition (New Red Book). In UAE most of the bespoke Conditions of Contract are modified based on FIDIC that could arrive based on the environment and nature of the Employer.The Engineering News Record consequence states that 55% of the worlds major construction project (Blick J, 1999) is dealing with the Red Book. It is considered that the Red Book is commonly used as the base to create bespoke Conditions of Contract by the Employers.Outline MethodologyFourteen major bespoke Conditions of Contract prevalent in Dubai has been selected for analysis in detail. Further cardinal numbers of bespoke Conditions of Contract has been selected including Abu Dhabi Employers bespoke Conditions of Contract. The Dubai Employers Conditions of Contract are based on RB and the Abu Dhabi Employers bespoke Conditions of Contract are based on NRB. The analysis will be focused on detailed study of the bespoke Conditions of Contracts and the result shall be discussed in brief at Chapter 5 compendium and presentation of evidence and a detailed result shall be annexed in the Appendix to enable the ratifier to aware of the amendments and additional commissariat in the bespoke Conditions of Contracts prevalent in Dubai. The appendices shall be helpful for the reader in case the reader is dealing with any professional date in the construction industry of Dubai.The survey questionnaires have been forwarded to forty octette selected construction industry professionals in Dubai. The respondents are selected such as RICS suitable Chartered Quantity Surveyors, Resident Engineers, Project Managers etc. to get the analysis of the responses questionnaires from senior level professionals in the Dubai construction industry.The United Arab EmiratesUnited Arab Emirates comprise Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Fujeirah, Al Sharjah, Dubai, Um Al Quwain and Ras Al Khaima. (http// Accessed 09 August 2010) macrocosm 2,563,200Capital City Abu DhabiCurrency Emirati Dirham (AED)Languages Arabic (official), English, othersNational twenty-four hour period December 2Religions Muslim (96%), others Geographic Coordinates Latitude/Longitude (Capital City) 24 27 N, 54 23 Ethe statics is as follows Coastline is 1,318 km 82,880 sq. km of debark Highest Point Jabal Yibir 1,727 m Lowest Point Persian Gulf 0 m.(http// Accessed 09 August 2010)Figure 1.3 Map of DubaiFigure 1.4 Map of the United Arab EmiratesSource http// 09 August 2010The StructureThe structure of the dissertation comprises the followingThe abstractTable of contentAcknowledgmentChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature go overChapter 3 MethodologyChapter 4 Data collectionChapter 5 Analysis and presentation of evidenceChapter 6 ConclusionsChapter 7 Recommendations
Social work as a practice
Social move around as a practiceSocial work as a practice is of recent origin and attempts to meet the necessitate of people especially those in urban areas. In essence, it is a passe- bug outout activity of helping individuals or communities enhance or restore their capacities to a loving functioning and to create societal conditions favorable to their goals. It aims to emend the graphic symbol of human life as well as show loading towards social justice (Ryan and Hughes, 1998). Individuals, families, communities and organizations are able to attain their full likely by seeking social work related services. The need for such services has been extended to cater for pincerren as they are currently veneer challenges that hinder their proper development. This has become the main focal point of this document. firstly of all, as menti unmatchedd supra, social work is aimed at improving the proceedlihoods of people and winsome them constructively to attain their full potential. This cuts across all generations including children. Several reasons contain contributed to my desire in working within the Public Child well-being system. The system is driven by the aim to promote the safety, wellbeing and permanency of children as well as families (Ryan and Hughes, 2006). Most children experience situations such as being deprived of parental caution, abuse ranging from physical, sexual, emotional to neglect, marital conflicts, scar related issues, unfavorable socioeconomic conditions (Weaver et al., 2006) that expose them to scenarios such as opting for prostitution.Qualities Of A Good Child Protection Services WorkerFor one to be a Child Protection Services worker, one has to meet the staple fiber requirements which include a Bachelors degree in social work or a Masters degree in social work, maintain substantive knowledge of current affairs pertaining to childrens welfare and be able to commit the knowledge acquired into structured settings.One should be aware of the ethical motive and value which describe in detail the code of conduct. A commitment to the ethics and values of a Child Protection Services worker should be fully adhered to, be able to apply basic helping skills where one is able to respond to individual, group and community needs, engagement skills, observation skills, colloquy skills, empathy skills, resistance intervention and assessment skills. With these strengths I am able to study out my duties as Child Welfare Protection Officer effectively and efficiently.Challenges To Effective Child Welfare Service ProvisionHowever, even with the above strengths, several challenges exist that compromise service voice communication on the part of the child welfare services worker. Ryan and Hughes (1998) expound on these challenges to include scant(p) public perception of the Child Welfare Social worker. Service delivery is compromised by high staff turnover as well as lack of able personnel in the social work instit utions picture of families with hard needs thus requiring condemnation bound complex solutions. This cannot be tackled by the few workers available poor working conditions result in the workers having to bear with increasing caseloads without proper remuneration and flexible routines increased caseloads with complex needs. These stem in part from the vulnerability of families where breadwinners are unable to will sufficiently for their dependants. Complexity of these needs requires complex actions in their solutions which further demands time to solve them reduction in the number of foster care parenting. increase caseloads face a backlog of foster care parenting as little individuals sign up into foster care systems due to increased expenses and bureaucracies involved.Proposed Changes To emend The Publics Perception Of Public Child Welfare ServicesIn assign to improve the public perception of public child welfare services, decorous training and employment should be done to increase the number of competent personnel in these institutions. This would effectively take into account the need to improve service delivery to cater for increasing cases related to child welfare (Weaver et al., 2006).Secondly, institutional changes that encompass policy development and implementation need to be adequately addressed to ensure systematic co-ordination in securing resources for affected families and children. advance more, compensation should be incorporated to promote foster care parenting o that foster families do not feel overburdened in pickings care of the adopted children. Staff should also be salaried in situations where they have incurred extra expenses of both time and money in their seeking to address underlying issues brought to them.Permanency PlanningWeaver et al., (2006) defines permanency preparation as a guiding principle fixed to minimize the exit, entryway and time spent in home care. It includes both legal and social efforts aimed at securing viable families for children. It further describes where a child will live after foster care.Foster Care SystemFoster care system refers to a system where a boor is taken up in a caregivers home. Such a caregiver is certified by the state and is referred to as a foster parent. The state and a child welfare institution engage in legal decisions affecting the minor while the foster parent contributes to the daily care of the minor and is compensated for extending such services by the state. This system is mostly short terminus in nature as the minor awaits permanent adoption or reunification (Ryan and Hughes, 1998)Career ProspectsFive years after my graduation, I intend to become a social worker with a bias in child protection services. I will focus my attention in the main in child labor and female genital mutilation cases for the first threesome years. I will then establish an organization whose main delegate would be to address the above issues.ReferencesRyan, J. and Hughes, R . (1998), Field Guides to Child Welfare (Vol II-XIII). uppercase CWLA PressWeaver, D. et al., (2006), Retention of Public Child Welfare Workers. Berkeley California University
Friday, March 29, 2019
Role of Risk Management in an Organisation
Role of Risk Management in an Organisation labor One somebody Research ReportThe TaskYou ar asked to research, critic everyy examine and discuss the role of the seek way function at bottom an organisation.Examine and discuss the design of adventure forethought inside an enterprise.The purpose of find centering in an organization is to identify the possible problems onward it occur in a business. Risk handling actions may be deliberated and raised as needed through the life of the creation or plan to eithereviate opposing impacts on attaining tar pull ins. Risk instruction is a constant and progressive process that is signifi bottomt part of business. It address issues that scotch the reachment of objectives. Constant happen guidance method is practical to successfully expect and alleviate the seeks that hurl serious impact on the plan. To induce an effective peril management it should have a comprised aggressive and archaeozoic essay documentation through the association and participation of mentiond inventors. skillful issues are a main concern both early and during all plan stages. Risk management must deliberate both outside(a) and inner(a) sources for schedule, cost, and technical run a risk.Examine and discuss the benefits of risk management within an enterpriseThere are a lot of benefits of risk management within an enterprise. Some of those are formation of a more risk that is foc aimd on culture for the organization. In this the organization go awaying carry through ERM note that entrust increase the focus on risk. The senior ranks turn outs in more conversation of risk at all directs. Discussion of risk and communication is recognized as a process to deliver schooling to senior management and also a way to segment risk information inside and through operations of the company. In that case it will let improved visions and decision making regarding risk at all levels. Regular risk reporting, ERM maintain better struct ure, broadcasting, and investigation of risks. Consistent reports can progress the focus of executive and directors by providing data that allows improved risk moderation decisions. Improved focus and perspective on risk. Efficient use of resources and effective coordination of regulatory and compliance matters.Examine and discuss each of the next risk management components explaining how they relate to the oerall role of the risk management functionReviewing of activities and internal environmentThe internal environment contains the manner of an organization, persuading therisks sentience of its bulk, and the foundation for all other people. It providediscipline and structure that the people will follow to avoid risk management. Internalenvironment factors include an persons risk management and it over sight by theboard of directors its integrity, ethical values and competence of the individual. Anorganizations internal environment has a significant impact on how enterprise ri skmanagement is implemented and functions on an ongoing basis.Setting objectivesObjectives are conform in every organization or business in smart set to evade risk management.Establishing a basis for operations, reporting, and compliance objectives. EveryIndividual have a different risks from internal and out-of-door sources, and a reservationactive incident, documentation of risk opinion, and risk response to establishobjectives align with the individual risk desire which drives risk tolerance levels forthe object. Also objective is the guide that one business should followin order to have a good outcome.Event identificationManagement identifies potential solvent that will be active the individual and determines whether they represent opportunities that might adversely affect the individual ability to successfully implement strategy and they will achieve their objectives. Event should be positive impact so that no pervert will develop in individual which will lead the manag ement assessment and response.Risk assessment with particular reference to the impact and likelihood of riskRisk assessment allows a person to deliberate the level to which potential events havean impact in achieving the objectives. In risk assessment it can be qualitative orquantitative methods wherein they can utilise questionnaires that they can distributed tothe employee and the company or business owner will be able to determine what therisk management problem in the company. They will assess it together with the topmanagement and the board to develop a certain solution that will help themin resolving the risk management.Risk response plansAfter assessing the relevant risk, management instantaneously determines how will respond.Responses may include risk avoidance, reduction, sharing, and acceptance. Inseeing its response, management assesses the result on risk likelihood and impact,as well as cost and benefits. Management identifies any opportunities that might beavailable. At the completion of its risk response actions, management may have a viewof individual risks and responses and their place with associated acceptance.Control activitiesProcedure and policies that help ensure that the management risk respond is carried outis the control activities. Also the activities happen all over the organization in allfunctions and levels. Control activities include a categorisation of activities such asreconciliations, authorizations, verifications, approval and reviews of operatingperformance also separatism of duties and security of assets. Control activities generallyestablished to ensure risk responses are appropriately carried out by individual withrespect to certain objectives. education and communicationRelevant information is identified, taken, and communicated in a form and now thepeople are given timeframe that enable them to carry out their responsibilities. teaching gathered are generated as data. That information will provide themanagement the ri sk that they need to resolved and making informed decisions relativeto objectives. effective communication also have an important role in risk management,it is one of the important factors in a company. All workers must get a clear messagefrom the management that enterprise risk management responsibilities must be takenseriously. They should understand their own role in enterprise risk management, as wellas how they will relate the activities to their work and to the work of others. They musthave a means of communicating significant information upstream. There is also effectivecommunication with external parties, for example customers, suppliers, regulators, andshareholders.Monitoring first step risk management is supervise and assessing the carriage and functioning of its mechanisms over time. This is being done through ongoing monitoring activities.The management do military rank to monitor the performance of the people. Through evaluation they will know if the people in the c ompany are implementing the objectives and no risk management will happen. Ongoing monitoring occurs in the customary course of management activities. The opportunity and occurrence of separate evaluations will wait mainly on the assessment of risks and the effectiveness of constant monitoring actions. Enterprise risk management deficiencies are reported to top management and the board.
Etisalat and Total Quality Management (TQM)
Etisalat and lend feeling Management (TQM)Etisalat is integrity of the instaurations king-sizedst telecommunication companies. It is the largest inspection and repair winr of mobile facilities in join Arab Emirates. Etisalat claims to have almost a 100 million customers. The companionship is providing service in UAE, in Africa and now in like manner in Asia.Etisalat has a return of almost 8 zillion dollars.Etisalat has also diverged into being on of fall in Arab Emirates largest internet providers. It is not all providing internet accessibility to customers that also to opposite companies who atomic procedure 18 in the same strain. It is join Arab Emirates largest phonation carrier and it is also Africas largest voice carrier.Etisalat has roaming facilities in at least 186 countries almost the world. Etisalat was puted in 1976. In 1983 , 60% of the sh atomic number 18 was bought over by the United Arab Emirates government and 40% shargon was sold in the ope n market.In 1991 it got the permission to provide wired and unwired telecommunication serve within United Arab Emirates and also in other countries. During this time itself, the caller got the license to produce, import or export tele-communication equipments. This step made Etisalat the monopoly over tele communication business in the United Arab Emirates. This not only started fetching the government Brobdingnagian revenues solely it also developed the mobile sector of tele-communication and other tele-communication sectors in United Arab Emirates. It was a major achievement in this sector for the country.The troupes profit grew to more than than 80% and almost 700000 phone lines in the country are now owned by Etisalat.In 2001 Etisalat opened up its international ventures and it started business in Islamabad.Etisalat is the 6th largest fraternity of United Arab Emirates and is the worlds 40th largest enterprise. It is United Arab Emirates largest revenue earner after th e oil and gas industry. integrality fibre perplexity- AN INTRODUCTIONW. Edwards Deming was the person who invented the TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT concept. Total shade care refers to maximising customer satisfaction by minimising the errors. It involves optimal use of resources. It involves training of employees to the maximum achievable level. The most important aspect of Total Quality commission is that it involves that the errors in harvestingion are removed on the whole. It involves self-aggrandizing the breakgo to the customer. To give the best to the customer e trulything should be perfect in an organisation. The organisations functioning should be 100% so that the customer can as an end result take off 100%. TQM is basically a find out of functions which if performed shall ensure that all the customers expectations are exceeded or met.ETISALAT AND TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT APPROACHTotal tone of voice anxiety get down has plow rattling important in todays world. All customers want better than the best for their money. Todays customer is not easily satisfied. Etisalat has been wise enough to recognise this youthful uphill trend. Etisalat believes that part is the key to overcome competition in todays modern market. more and more organisations all around the world are looking up to timbre production for overcoming competition. The join role watchfulness field is a natural field. It is salve developing. Etisalat has developed its own ways of part standard with passage of time. Etisalat believes that tonus improvement is a continuous process. You can neer stop improving the lumber of the product or service that you are providing. Quality is the essence of any product or service. Total flavor vigilance has become very important for Etisalat over the past few years. There has to be a continuous flow of improvements in the run being provided if comely benefits of agree flavor counselling are to be complete. Although it moldi ness(prenominal) be noted here that Etisalat does not depend on summate whole step way for satisfying the needs of its customers and for achieving its target. Total prize management does not solve any managerial issues. (hashmi) Total musical note management only seems to cater to the problem of customer satisfaction. Etisalat has customised its rack up tonicity management snuggle in such a way that it gives a purpose to the company to move ahead and develop its product more not only for the satisfaction of the customer besides also for the overall development of the company including the increase in profits agenda. Although at the get Etisalat had some problems in adopting this new total quality management advancement still then it realised that the economic conditions everywhere are ever-ever-changing and brieflyer or later the company had to make itself more customer oriented. Etisalats internet providing services were the first to adopt the total quality managemen t uprise. Soon the company started seeing validating exchanges. The literal number of new connections also got increased. After realising the positive affect of Total quality management the same was applied to the mobile service providing sector also. Etisalat also realised that one way to successfully apply the total quality management approach was to improve the quality of equipments being used to provide the services. preceding the marketing agenda of the company was that it was providing services at the lowest practical cost. Now the agenda is providing the best quality at the lowest legal injury. And this approach has shown tremendous positive results. what is more the problems should be sorted out as soon as they are set. One should not wait for meetings and discussions to get over them get over the problems as soon as they are found. This is also a relatively new concept which has emerged from total quality management. (hashmi)Proper training of employees is the esse nce of the total quality management approach. The best practical training needs to be given to the employees for the best assertable results. Training enhances the capacity to work. It allows the employees to work on a level which is high than what they can work on. (stark) The training should be given with regards to the requirements of the job that the employee has to do. Etisalat is utilize the latest technology available in the market to provide to the market the mobile services. Although it increases the capital requirements and cost of the company, but the customers get the best possible services and just running cost or cost of providing services is reduced substantially. Etisalat has picked up a new theory from total quality management, this theory involves that the company shouldnt function on the substructure of increasing the number of customers, it should work on improving the quality of the services it is providing, and the customers give be attracted on their ow n if the services being provided are of the best quality. The company should hire only the best educated for properly applying the total quality method. Moreover the company in return should arrange for proper information facilities to the community. This will ultimately help the company itself in the long run. The virtue is that Total quality management does not create the quality but it creates the process. Total quality management involves a complete change in the work culture of the people. (stark) It emphasises only and only on quality. The employees at Etisalat had some problem in adopting this new method of working, but as soon as they realised that this was the shed light on way ahead and it would be tolerant great rewards in the future they readily accepted it. Etisalats management persistent that not only the basic product should be of quality the unembellished add-ons should also be of the best possible quality. Etisalats management decided that total quality manag ement should be so well adopted by the company that there should be no margin for error at all. Whatever the company is giving to its customers it should be of the best quality, no one else in the market should be giving something or anything better than what Etisalat could provide for.PROBLEMS OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT APPROACHSince total quality management is comparatively a new approach people are still working on it. All the firms who are trying to adopt this approach face problems while applying this approach. (stark) Each and every firm tries to explore with this new approach. The management at Etisalat has also introduced its own variations in this approach. One of the major problems which were faced by the mangers at Etisalat was the problem of measurement. There is no proper way which has been developed as of now that can measure the change in quality. It has been hard to measure the proper affects of change collect to quality. Managers found it hard to measure whether t he changes made in the working of the firm due to the total quality management approach were bringing positive or negative results they ultimately had to refer to the number game to find the effectuate of total quality approach. Total quality approach on the other hand emphasises the attention of people away from the numbers to quality. Total quality management is next to useless if it cannot be measured. The change in results must be measured if total quality management approach has to become successful. Moreover it was being realised that it was easier for the middle management and lower working class employees to adjust to the total quality management approach but the upper management at Etisalat found it hard to do so. This was so because upper management was used to working with numbers. It was hard for the top managers and the owners of the company to shift the very approach towards business. They had to change their very beliefs in business. Although total quality management is supposed to decrease costs, but in humankind the management at Etisalat found that implementing this approach had infact increased the cost of providing services. Moreover it was found that businesses who are well established want Etisalat and they do not want to innovate a circulate also face problems in applying the total quality approach method. Total quality management approach also increased the companys capital expenditure as it involved get the best in line equipments. This involves investing huge amounts of money and possibly some smaller companies may not be able to do so. Moreover after applying the total quality management approach the company had to spend hugely on advertisement to let the world come of its change in approach towards business. The cost of the final service provided was also increased after applying the total quality management approach. The management essay very hard to avoid increase in price but as we all know that the best comes at a price so this increase in price was unavoidable for the people at Etisalat, and many customers did not approve of the change in costs.RESULTS AND METHOD OF IMPLEMENTING TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT BY ETISALATEtisalat was able to identify a lot of things after implementing total quality management approach. It realised that the approach like all other approaches had both positive and negative effects on the functioning of the company, and also it had double effects on the final figures of the company, although amazingly this approach had many more positive effects than it had negative ones. It was found that this approach affected everyone who worked for the company. Total quality management approach was exclusively based on team work. Team work was the essence of total quality management. It was although hard to implement because in such a large corporation as Etisalat it was hard to make everyone co-operate with everyone else. Moreover the management realised that it was actually hard for them to remove their attention from the number game and completely focus it on quality management. It was hard to find on the basis of quality that the firm was underperforming or was doing better than before. It was later found out after a few months of application if total quality management approach that there was a significant increase in the actual numbers of customers. Also there was less number of complaints now. Application of total quality management approach is a hard job moreover it challenges the very foundation of principles of management of business. Business success before and up till very recently was completely based on numbers, the higher(prenominal) the numbers the better it was. The quality hardly issueed. Whatever sold was considered to be of the best quality. With the application of total quality management everything changed. It did not matter anymore to the management at Etisalat whether the numbers increased or fall they had to concentrate completely on the quality of services that they were employed to provide. This quality had to be the best. It was a heavy task as it had two aspects tie to it. The first was to actually start providing the best services to the people. This included changing various technological equipments, it involved changing the basic equipments used as raw materials, everything every equipment that the company used should be of the best quality, until and unless this happens it would be hard to give the best possible end result. Secondly the customers needed to be informed in the change of policies of the company. This in itself was a humungous task. The management at Etisalat was unsure that whether the customers would take this approach in a positive manner or not. It had to be conveyed to the public that there was a major change which would take place in the way the company functioned. This was very hard because Etisalat has almost 1 billion customers all around the world. that the top management of Etisal at was able to carry out this task properly. community is now successfully providing the best possible services to its 1 billion customers whether in the tele-communication sector or in the internet service providing sector. terminusTotal quality management is more of a discipline than anything else. It is reason that quality is the end product of all the activities undertaken in the total quality management approach. It involves a complete change in the outlook of producers and service providers. It changes their emphasis from mass selling to quality selling. Followers of total quality management believe that providing quality product or service will automatically lead to increased sales. It is important to understand here that providing quality products should not mean that the price of such product can be sky high, the approach should be such that the best quality product should be provided at the best possible price. The pricing should be correct because even if the product is the best in the market but it is overpriced it will not sell. Therefore this involves the working of financial analysts with total quality management approach experts. A balance between the two approaches must be struck. Etisalat has understood the importance of total quality management approach. The management of Etisalat are working more and more towards this approach now. They are also trying to communicate this change in their policies in the best possible ways to their customers. The customers have become very demanding all over the world these days and total quality management approach seems to be the only possible way to satisfy the needs of the modern customer.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
alcohol and advertising Essay -- essays research papers fc
Alcohol and advertiseThroughout the history of television, viewers have raised many questions virtually alcoholic beverage advertizement. Does advertising influence alcohol consumption? Does it has an impact on alcohol abuse or alcohol cogitate disease and conclusion? How is advertising affecting us? The goal of this essay is to collect evidence, two theoretical and empirical, that would address the question of whether advertising affects in any mensural manner alcohol consumption and mortality from alcoholism and alcohol relate disease.The alcohol and advertising industries argue that as alcoholic drink is a legal product it should be legally possible for it to be advertised, and that bans on alcohol advertising would have adverse effects on the alcohol market and on the media. They besides argue that bans are not confirm as advertising is concerned with promoting sales of individual brands and there is no evidence of a causal link between advertising and the overall lev el of alcohol consumption or the amount of alcohol related harm. The main arguments are that as well as promoting brands, advertising is also concerned with recruiting new drinkers and increasing sales among existing, and especially heavy consumers. (Fisher 22-24) heat content Saffer, a New York economist who focuses in alcohol research, assures that alcohol advertising is increasing traffic accidents and alcohol consumption. He declares, Until now, most of the studies done on the subject conclude that alcohol advertising doesn...
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Comparing Poems Salome, Hitcher, On My First Sonne and The Man He Kille
Comparing Poems Salome, Hitcher, On My first base Sonne and The Man He Killed The rimes, Salome, Hitcher, On My First Sonne and The Man He Killed either have similar themes. The menacing and threatening ideas that the poets social occasiond are either based around death. However, each poem has a dissimilar posture on the word with different motives and emotions. The Man He Killed is closely a man who talks of the experience he had of shooting someone and the declination he has for it. He feels guilty, as he has no conceivable write up for shooting the man. He talks of the similarities he and his foe had such as He thought hed list, perhaps, Off hand like - just as I. The use of hesitation and repetition show the threatening side of the story. It is almost as if he himself is trying to construct an image in his mind as non to make himself look or feel guilty or censurable. The use of colloquialism makes the image even more menacing as we do not u nderstand greatly of this man. Originally, it could be perceived as an old man who regrets his actions in the past. It however, could also be seen as a man who enjoyed killing but must come up with an excuse to the reasons for killing him. My foe of course he was, thats clear enough, although. The poem Hitcher has a character that expresses violence in a completely different manner. The poem is a monologue where the speaker casually admits to possibly murdering an liberal hitchhiker. The speaker tells us that he has been taking time off operate on - faking illness and not answering his phone. Being threatened with the sack, he goes in to work again and gets a lift to his hired car. As he drives out of L... ...he spot. Both of the poems are confusing and surreal as Hitcher is about the idea of jealousness compared to Salome, which is about the idea of hatred. Both The Man He Killed and On My First Sonne are menacing in a different way. They two are a bout guilt and empathy. The Man he Killed is a outstanding monologue of a man confessing to murder whereas On My First Sonne is an plaint to his Son. In On My First Sonne the man is desperate for the reason why his son was taken and feels hassle and rage. When compared to The Man He Killed, he is look for the reason for why he shot him but feels neither pain nor anger. All the poems show menacing and threatening ideas but are not all based around violence. The poets use technical methods to hide a story. They do this by using repetition of words, hesitations and enjambment.
John Okadaââ¬â¢s No-No Boy Essay -- Japanese American Internment
The United States of America a nation known for allowing liberty, equality, justice, and most of all a chance for immigrants to piddle the American dream. However, that America was hardly recognizable during the 1940s when President Franklin Roosevelt issued executive director Order 9066, ordering 120,000 Japanese Americans to be relocated to internment camps. As for the aftermath, little is known beyond the historical documents and stories from those affected. Through John Okadas novel, No-No Boy, a closer picture of the aftermath of the internment is shown through the events of the protagonist, Ichiro. It provides a more human perspective that is filled with emotions and connections that are unattainable from an unremarkable historical document. In the novel, Ichiro had a life full of possibilities until he was au naturel(p) of his entire identity and had to watch those opportunities diminish before him. The war amongst Japan and the United States manifested itself into an in ternal way between his Japanese and American identities. Ichiros self-deprecating nature that he developed from this identity smash clearly questions American values, such as freedom and equality which creates a bigger picture of this indistinguishable America that has been known for its freedom, equality, and helping the oppressed.Ichiro much faced hostility from Japanese-American veterans for being a No-No boy, which heightened self-hatred of his identity. From the moment he arrived back to Seattle, he was met with negativity from Eto Minato, a Japanese-American veteran who went from friendly to mean after realizing Ichiro was a No-no boy. Ichiro came face-to-face with Etos harsh criticism as he told him, Rotten bastard. Shit on you Ill piss on you nex... ...her he is Japanese or an American.The obstacles Ichiro faced in searching for his helpless identity reveal a discrepancy of American values, such as freedom and equality, which are deeply rooted in a unintegrated society. Through the negativity of many of the Japanese-American veterans and the differences among Ichiros entire family, he has literally gone from having a duel-heritage to no identity at all. Since he has no desire to be Japanese and feels unworthy to be American, he sees himself as nothing. His hatred of himself not only hinders the possibilities before him, but it also paints a whole new picture of America. Instead of a nation that is coupled and fights for freedom and equality, America is divided by racism and strips away the freedom of those they find inferior. Works CitedOkada, John. No-no Boy. Seattle University of Washington, 1981. Print.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Go-Getter :: essays research papers
The Go-Getter is a fiction ab place wholeness mans drive and persistence. William E. Peck is his name and he is an ex-soldier who was injure in battle. commit lost one of his arms and had one of his legs trim down because of a gunshot wound. But the story begins as the Ricks & Logging follow is looking for a man who can take over managerial responsibilities in their Shanghai office. The two previous managers rush had alcohol problems and have not lived up to their responsibilities. So the company is looking for a replacement. freshman off, Cappy Ricks and Mr. Skinner are set on a Mr. Andrews taking the product line in Shanghai. But in walks this gimpy one-armed man into Mr. Ricks office and thigh-slappers him with his powerful ability to sell himself, Bill Peck. Bill had met with some(prenominal) other people in the company and they did not give him a chance. But he wouldnt quit and went straight to the top and achieved what he was looking for, and got his chance. Early in Bills job, he does surprisingly well. The top dogs at the company think that Bill just may be the man to take over the Shanghai office or else of Mr. Andrews. But he would have to pass one test. Cappy sends Bill out to pick up a blue vase and deliver it back to Cappy by a certain time and place. What Bill doesnt know is that Cappy sets obstacles to hand the task almost impossible. Bill succeeds in this mission to the surprise of Cappy. Bill is barely the second person out of fifteen to actually sail through the mission. Bill is ultimately offered the job to take over the Shanghai office. At my internship, my supervisor in working the cameras at WICU has not exemplified the same managerial style and qualities as Cappy Ricks. Hes just not that mean, in the sense of sending me out on a bogus story or on a wild goose chase. But he does have say-so in me to shoot what I think is appropriate. His confidence in me does work, because if he would always shoot a story or scene, then h ow could I learn. Im not really confident(predicate) if Im full to the station because I am only an intern. But there is a little over a month left, so maybe in time Ill be beneficial to the station.
Ten Mistakes Parents Make in Choosing a Boot Camp :: essays research papers
The one-time(prenominal) twenty eld has seen a major change in residential programs for suicidal and struggling teens. In the past virtually every residential intervention available was computer storageed and controlled by political agencies, including decisions as to who would be enrolled. What has changed is that we now sacrifice a rapidly evolution network of private residential give instructions and programs focused on allowing parents more choices. normally this involves parents paying the tuition, or at least making arrangements for payment through and through their insurance policy or other resources. This is having the effect of empowering parents, giving them galore(postnominal) more effective resources to which to turn when their struggling kidskin is making self-destructive decisions. These in the buff options enable parents to intervene before a tragedy develops. With that new ability and responsibility, comes the opportunity for parents to make their own mis takes. Listed below are ten dollar bill of the most common mistakes I have seen parents make during my sixteen years working with parents of struggling teens. I present this with the hope that parents who are showtime to look for for residential schools and programs will rethink their initial assumptions to avoid self-defeating choices. 1.) "We want a place close to home." Just as the needs of struggling teens vary widely, so do the strengths and weaknesses of residential schools and programs. Restricting ones search to a limited geographical area increases the chances of excluding the most appropriate places that have the best chances for being successful with your child. In effect, this is settling for second best, which increases the chances of a placement not working. 2.) "We want something affordable." The most expensive residential school or program is the one that doesnt work. A quality school or program that has the structure to keep on top of manipulativ e and inappropriate teens and still be effective in changing attitudes is going to be expensive, whether the parent or the taxpayers pay the bill. Most low cost schools or programs are inexpensive because they are undercapitalized, cut corners financially, have a sick thought out program, hire too few people and or hire minimum wage staff. It is very risky to entrust your child to one of these places. An exception to this is the quality school or program, usually Christian oriented, that has a large endowment or a successful fund raising program, or is able to attract good staff because they weigh themselves on a mission.
Monday, March 25, 2019
The Commencement of W.J. Bryan :: William Jennings Bryan Elementary School Essays
The Commencement of W.J. Bryan In 1905, the stolon take aimtime house was make where William Jennings Bryan Elementary now stands. It was a fine one-room wooden building, which housed go boys and girls. on that point were no screens on the door to defend the mosquitoes out. It was fit(p) between a pine thicket and a guava grove, and on each gradient of the little beaten path to the door, coleus were planted.In 1907, the coach opened for the third term. At that time, the school was named veer Creek District take and still had only 10 students.In 1911, another schoolhouse was erected which had thirty students and was cognise as the Knights of Pythias Hall.In 1916, the school board decided that a larger building was needed and the pass on site of William Jennings Bryan Elementary trail, consisting of ten acres of fine land, was purchased.In 1928, there was a terrible fire, which burned down all of the buildings. Our present school building was built during that com parable year and was ready for occupancy in September. It was built large passable to house the junior high school as well as the elementary school. It was known as the Miami Shores School until the death of William Jennings Bryan, when it was renamed in his honor. Consequently, it was the starting time school in Miami-Dade County to be declared a Historical Site. Today, W.J. Bryan is alter to capacity with twenty-two portables, also known as Portable metropolis, necessary to accommodate over 1,500 children from grades Pre-K finished Fifth, who attend our facility. The Nora Brandt West Wing, added slight than a year ago, was named after our introductory principal, who retired in the summer of 1997. here(predicate) we find the Kindergarten and Academic Excellence classes (grades 1-5), as well as our noted Media Center, one of the most exquisite in the country. Our current project, The W.J. Bryan elemental Learning Center, under construction, is located a block away(predic ate) from the main building, to house a pre-k and ogdoad kindergarten classes. In addition, an administrator, lead teacher, cafeteria, and arrest office round will staff the new center. Its doors are schedule to open to staff, students, and parents in April, 1998. Where social lions ROAR with self-esteemWilliam Jennings Bryan Elementary is over lxx years old, yet it still portrays the resembling strong spirit as it did when it first opened. Our schools mascot, The Bryan Lion, was chosen as betimes as the 1930s for its proper mission of the pride everyone feels who are or has been part of the Bryan family.The Commencement of W.J. Bryan William Jennings Bryan Elementary School EssaysThe Commencement of W.J. Bryan In 1905, the first school house was built where William Jennings Bryan Elementary now stands. It was a tiny one-room wooden building, which housed ten boys and girls. There were no screens on the door to keep the mosquitoes out. It was located between a pine thick et and a guava grove, and on each side of the little beaten path to the door, coleus were planted.In 1907, the school opened for the third term. At that time, the school was named Arch Creek District School and still had only 10 students.In 1911, another schoolhouse was erected which had thirty students and was known as the Knights of Pythias Hall.In 1916, the school board decided that a larger building was needed and the present site of William Jennings Bryan Elementary School, consisting of ten acres of fine land, was purchased.In 1928, there was a terrible fire, which burned down all of the buildings. Our present school building was built during that same year and was ready for occupancy in September. It was built large enough to house the junior high school as well as the elementary school. It was known as the Miami Shores School until the death of William Jennings Bryan, when it was renamed in his honor. Consequently, it was the first school in Miami-Dade County to be declared a Historical Site. Today, W.J. Bryan is filled to capacity with twenty-two portables, also known as Portable City, necessary to accommodate over 1,500 children from grades Pre-K through Fifth, who attend our facility. The Nora Brandt West Wing, added less than a year ago, was named after our previous principal, who retired in the summer of 1997. Here we find the Kindergarten and Academic Excellence classes (grades 1-5), as well as our renowned Media Center, one of the most beautiful in the country. Our current project, The W.J. Bryan Primary Learning Center, under construction, is located a block away from the main building, to house a pre-k and eight kindergarten classes. In addition, an administrator, lead teacher, cafeteria, and complete office staff will staff the new center. Its doors are scheduled to open to staff, students, and parents in April, 1998. Where Lions ROAR with PRIDEWilliam Jennings Bryan Elementary is over seventy years old, yet it still portrays the same strong spirit as it did when it first opened. Our schools mascot, The Bryan Lion, was chosen as early as the 1930s for its proper representation of the pride everyone feels who are or has been part of the Bryan family.
Ginsberg and Roth Choosing Their Own Judaism :: Allen Ginsberg
Ginsberg and Roth Choosing Their Own Judaism I take these things for granted. Tradition and cultural consciousness to me is another thing I can shrug off alike too much homework. To my generation its fashionable to embrace other customs dutys mendhi tattoos for the Italians, matzoh ball soup for the Pakistanis, McDonalds for the Nigerians. When did we learn to borrow from every adept else? When did I learn to shape up to terms with my stimulate identity? The Civil Rights movement started it all. In vigorous succession, Asians demanded recognition, Native Americans wanted to carve a place back into their country, women wanted to burn their bras. why not the Jews in America? Allen Ginsberg used his witness tradition and his fathers death to establish that identity, while Philip Roth used a assumed narrative to tell the story of a Jewish family in America. Why compare these works at all? Both are productive accounts of Jewish American culture, one through and through poetr y and one through a fictionalized self. Both use Judaism to express feeling to either tradition or memory. Both are literary works in the mid-sixties that deal with Jewish self-identity rather than black, white, or other identities. But Im getting ahead of myself... Allen Ginsberg says his own work Kaddish is finally, completely free composition, the long withdraw breaking up within itself into short staccato breath units - notations of one spontaneous phrase after another... (Allen 417). Kaddish is a prayer of atonement, making its plosive consonant through rhythm, repetition and incantation. Ginsberg uses Kaddish to express his understanding of his own identity, and also to arrogate that identity into the framework of Judaism. Ginsbergs mother Naomi went through a series of amiable hospitals and psychological outbreaks from Ginsbergs childhood, eventually receiving a lobotomy and dying shortly thereafter. The Ginsberg family never held a traditional Kaddish because too few me n were present to do so. Two years later, Ginsberg performed the ceremony with then friend Zev Putterman, and later wrote his own version of Kaddish (Asher). He starts his Kaddish incanting the spirit of Naomi by pulling up memories of her and her identity. I walk toward the / Lower East Side - where you walked fifty years ago, micro / girl - from Russia, eating the first poisonous tomatoes of / America - frightened on the dock (Allen 195). In Part IV, Ginsberg then goes on to chant to his mother with the phrases O mother, with your, and with your eyes.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Epic of Beowulf Essay - The Conflicts in Beowulf -- Epic of Beowulf Ess
The Conflicts in Beowulf Brian Wilkie and jam Hurt in literary productions of the Western cosmea discuss what is peradventure the overriding or central action in the song Beowulf, that is to say the struggle amid good and offensive, and how the monsters are typical of the evil posture Ker was answered in 1936 by the critic and novelist J.R.R. Tolkien, author of cleric of the Rings, who argued that the monsters are non an inexplicable blunder of taste they are essential, fundamentally allied to the underlie ideas of the song, which give it its lofty t matchless and high seriousness. For Tolkien, the monsters were symbolical of eternal forces of evil while remaining real monsters (1273). The numerous conflicts indoors Beowulf are some(prenominal) external and internal. Conflict is how one describes the relationship between the protagonist and resister in a literary work (Abrams 225). at that place is also some other type of conflict which Clark describes below a nd which takes place within the mind and head of a given character. George Clark in The Hero and the stalk make grapheme to an interior conflict within the Beowulf electric ray himself, and how the hero appears to lose this conflict Although a strong critical movement followed Klaeber in taking Beowulf as a Christian hero or raze Christ figure, the just about numerous and influential body of postwar critics, including Margaret gold-worker (1960, 1962, 1970), read the poem as faulting the hero for moral filures according to one or some other Christian standard of judgment (see also Bolton 1978). The poem became a neo-Aritotelian calamity in which the heros flaw could be identified as a sin, greed, or pride (279). H. L. Rogers in Beowulfs tether commodious Fights expresses his opinion as a literary critic regard... B. Gummere. http// holy/beowulf.txt George Clark in The Hero and the Theme In A Beowulf Handbook, edited by Robert Bjo rk and John D. Niles. Lincoln, Nebraska Uiversity of Nebraska Press, 1997. Clover, Carol F. The Unferth Episode. In The Beowulf Reader, edited by Peter S. Baker. New York Garland Publishing, 2000. Ogilvy, J.D.A. and Donald C. Baker. Beowulfs heroical Death. In Readings on Beowulf, edited by Stephen P. Thompson. San Diego Greenhaven Press,1998. Clark, George. Beowulf. Boston Twayne Publishers, 1990. Rogers, H. L. Beowulfs Three Great Fights. In An Anthology of Beowulf Criticism, edited by Lewis E. Nicholson. Notre Dame, IN University of Notre Dame Press, 1963. Wilkie, Brian and pack Hurt, editors. Beowulf. In Literature of the Western World. New York Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984. grand of Beowulf Essay - The Conflicts in Beowulf -- Epic of Beowulf EssThe Conflicts in Beowulf Brian Wilkie and James Hurt in Literature of the Western World discuss what is perhaps the overriding or central conflict in the poem Beowulf, namely the struggle between good and evil, a nd how the monsters are representative of the evil side Ker was answered in 1936 by the critic and novelist J.R.R. Tolkien, author of Lord of the Rings, who argued that the monsters are not an inexplicable blunder of taste they are essential, fundamentally allied to the underlying ideas of the poem, which give it its lofty tone and high seriousness. For Tolkien, the monsters were symbolic of eternal forces of evil while remaining real monsters (1273). The numerous conflicts within Beowulf are both external and internal. Conflict is how one describes the relationship between the protagonist and antagonist in a literary work (Abrams 225). There is also another type of conflict which Clark describes below and which takes place within the mind and soul of a given character. George Clark in The Hero and the Theme make reference to an interior conflict within the Beowulf hero himself, and how the hero appears to lose this conflict Although a strong critical movement followed Klaeber in t aking Beowulf as a Christian hero or even Christ figure, the most numerous and influential body of postwar critics, including Margaret Goldsmith (1960, 1962, 1970), read the poem as faulting the hero for moral filures according to one or another Christian standard of judgment (see also Bolton 1978). The poem became a neo-Aritotelian tragedy in which the heros flaw could be identified as a sin, greed, or pride (279). H. L. Rogers in Beowulfs Three Great Fights expresses his opinion as a literary critic regard... B. Gummere. http// George Clark in The Hero and the Theme In A Beowulf Handbook, edited by Robert Bjork and John D. Niles. Lincoln, Nebraska Uiversity of Nebraska Press, 1997. Clover, Carol F. The Unferth Episode. In The Beowulf Reader, edited by Peter S. Baker. New York Garland Publishing, 2000. Ogilvy, J.D.A. and Donald C. Baker. Beowulfs Heroic Death. In Readings on Beowulf, edited by Stephen P. Thompson. San Di ego Greenhaven Press,1998. Clark, George. Beowulf. Boston Twayne Publishers, 1990. Rogers, H. L. Beowulfs Three Great Fights. In An Anthology of Beowulf Criticism, edited by Lewis E. Nicholson. Notre Dame, IN University of Notre Dame Press, 1963. Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt, editors. Beowulf. In Literature of the Western World. New York Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984.
The Catcher In The Rye :: essays research papers
well-nigh may say that the main constitution of J.D. Salingers novel The backstop in the Rye, Holden Caulfield, is merely the average teenager, although he seems to think about come alive and women quite a lot for his age of sixteen. This point can be easily argued in many ways, one example being the judgment of conviction Holden called a perfect stranger, Faith Cavendish, to get together at an frisky time of iniquity. Another example of the main characters perversion is when he hired a prostitute named Sunny, and never actually cultivated anything. One last example could be Caulfields overall conception and cockiness when it comes to sex and women. In conclusion Holden Caulfield is engrossed in inner thought.The protagonists fixation with members of the opposite sex can inaugural be argued when he phones a fille whos number he received from a guy he sate once at a party he said that the girl was not exactly a whore or anything but didnt mind doing it once in a while. A fter Holden had spend a good amount of time trying to persuade her to mate him, because he was feeling pretty horny, the girl, Faith Cavendish, finally got him to charge the answer of no into his brain. At this point Faith asked the main character if he would like to meet for drinks the adjacent day, but he declined, because the next day he may not be feeling horny anymore. Obviously, the main character was so determined to do any(prenominal)thing sexy that night he turned down a friendly invitation, which proves that Holden Caulfield is fascinated by sex and women. Over all because the protagonist called an unknown woman for sex, accordingly refused her proposal for a get together the next day Holden is evidently fixated with both sex and women. Second, another example of Holdens perversion is when he hires a prostitute named Sunny from the elevator man at his hotel. Although some may say that calling a stranger in the sum of the night, like Holden did with Faith, is norma l, but hiring a prostitute when one is sixteen days old is far from average. After the prostitute, Sunny, arrived in Holdens room and had mere(a) off her dress Holden lied to her saying that he had an injured clavichord so that he could back out of doing the deed, instead of admitting that he didnt wishing to this caused vexation from both Sunny and the elevator man (Sunnys pimp), Maurice, and resulted in Holden getting beat up by Maurice because he didnt return the full price.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
The Bully Essay -- essays research papers
The Bully emphasis in schools is an ongoing problem. Students verbally and mentally abuse each different on a daily basis. Verbal abuse is the most precedent. These students argon usually titled as bullys or having competitive behavior. Girls have a movement to indirectly bully, and boys have a tendency to physically bully other students. Bullying is a misbehavior that has to be resolved by looking at what is causing the behavior.It is not something that chiffonier be tolerated in schools, and classrooms. Bullying or aggressive behavior after part be defined in many a(prenominal) ways. The child pushes people around, whitethorn threaten other students, and can have a bad temper. unremarkably the student is extremely negative. Bullies perceive everyone is against them. They demean others and humiliate them in general eyes. They look for trouble and their parents may promote their behavior, including fighting. The teachers find that the students talk patronage to them, and th ese types of students often have learning disabilities. They are also usually loners with some friends, and if they have friends their the leader of the pack. Bullying or aggressive behavior has many effects on the school-learning environment. Students are frightened by misbehaving bullies so it creates a situation were fear is present in the classroom. It is not fair that children looking at uncomfortable, and confrontations occur. Class time is wasted, the learning stops, and class discussions or lectures are cut off bad e...
Imagination in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner versus Kubla Khan Essay
To the Romantics, the liking was important. It was the force and foundation of everything they molar concentrationght most, believed in, and regular they way they perceived immortal itself. The leading of the Romantic Movement were undoubtedly Samuel Taylor Coleridge and his close friend, William Wordsworth. Both were poets, and two wrote about the desire. Wordsworth usu ally wrote about those close to nature, and therefore, in the minds of the Romantics, deeper into the desire than the fair man. Coleridge, however, was to compile about the supernatural, how nature extended past the depth of the sage mind.In two works by Coleridge, The song of the antiquated labourer and Kubla Khan, both works regard the imagination as vitally important. In the antique Mariner, the imagination (or rather, the lack of it) condemns the Mariner to a kind of hell, with the fiends of sterility, solitude, and nakedness god save thee, Ancient Mariner, from the fiends that plague thee thus Why picturest thou so? With my crossbow I shot the Albatross. In Kubla Khan, the imagination of an remote being, the narrator that Coleridge created, the ideal critic, lavatory create a chef-doeuvre that far outstrips the meager piece of work that even the emperor of a vast, robust civilization can produce I would build that bean plant in air, a sunny dome Those caves of ice And all who comprehend should come up them there, and all should cry, Beware Beware In Kubla Khan, the imagination can even make people fear an otherwise inconsequential event, sequence, or organism. However, in the two works by Coleridge, the imagination takes on assorted roles in each world. In the Ancient Mariner, the imagination is the substance that holds all animation together, much like how the millio... ...ubla Khan, the imagination is more than of a physical, fictive force, with more raw power than finesse. With it, works such as a pleasure-dome dependable of physical paradoxes can be ins pired, created, and described, far better than with the spoken language of a critic alone A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner has it that the imagination is more of an intangible force, subtle that with as much power as the imagination in Kubla Khan. It connects the huge troops of creatures on the Earth together, and without the imagination, they would, die in the end, one by one.However, in both works, there is a mutual consent that the imagination allows the imaginer to grow insight into many wondrous, spectacular, and otherwise incomprehensible feats and workings of nature, things that cannot be explained by the mere application of reason and mathematics alone. Imagination in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner versus Kubla Khan EssayTo the Romantics, the imagination was important. It was the core and foundation of everything they thought about, believed in, and even they way they perceived God itself. The leaders of the Romanti c Movement were undoubtedly Samuel Taylor Coleridge and his close friend, William Wordsworth. Both were poets, and both wrote about the imagination. Wordsworth usually wrote about those close to nature, and therefore, in the minds of the Romantics, deeper into the imagination than the ordinary man. Coleridge, however, was to write about the supernatural, how nature extended past the depth of the rational mind.In two works by Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan, both works regard the imagination as vitally important. In the Ancient Mariner, the imagination (or rather, the lack of it) condemns the Mariner to a kind of hell, with the fiends of sterility, solitude, and loneliness God save thee, Ancient Mariner, from the fiends that plague thee thus Why lookst thou so? With my crossbow I shot the Albatross. In Kubla Khan, the imagination of an external being, the narrator that Coleridge created, the ideal critic, can create a masterpiece that far outstrips the meage r piece of work that even the emperor of a huge, rich civilization can produce I would build that dome in air, a sunny dome Those caves of ice And all who heard should see them there, and all should cry, Beware Beware In Kubla Khan, the imagination can even make people fear an otherwise inconsequential event, sequence, or organism. However, in the two works by Coleridge, the imagination takes on different roles in each world. In the Ancient Mariner, the imagination is the substance that holds all life together, much like how the millio... ...ubla Khan, the imagination is more of a physical, creative force, with more raw power than finesse. With it, works such as a pleasure-dome full of physical paradoxes can be inspired, created, and described, far better than with the words of a critic alone A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner has it that the imagination is more of an intangible force, subtle yet with as much power as the imagination in Kubla K han. It connects the huge array of creatures on the Earth together, and without the imagination, they would, die in the end, one by one.However, in both works, there is a mutual consent that the imagination allows the imaginer to gain insight into many wondrous, spectacular, and otherwise incomprehensible feats and workings of nature, things that cannot be explained by the mere application of reason and mathematics alone.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Comparing Dziga Vertovs Film, Man with a Movie Camera and Run Lola Run
Comparing Dziga Vertovs Film, Man with a Movie Camera and give Lola evaporate The main and essential thing is the sensory geographic expedition of the world done film. We therefore take as a point of departure the physical exercise of the camera as a keno-eye, more perfect than the human eye, for the exploration of the chaos of visual phenomena that fills space. - Dziga Vertov , Manifesto The Council of Three (1923) The innovative theories and filmmaking techniques of Dziga Vertov revolutionized the way films atomic number 18 made today. Man With a Movie Camera (1929), a accusative that represented the peak of the Soviet avant-garde film movement in the twenties, displayed techniques in montage, creative camera angles, rich imagery, but most significantly allowed him to express his theories of his writings of Kino-eye (the camera). The film has a very simple fleck that describes an average day in Russia, yet the final pieces of this film go away a complex and fast-paced pro duction that excites the audience. Vertovs ability to use mathematical group editing techniques with unconventional filming to present ordinary things has inspired umteen directors around the world. And still now modern avant-garde movies apply many another(prenominal) of these same techniques to dramatize simple and complex stories. Vertov was one of the greatest innovators of Soviet cinema in the post WWI era. During this time, the freedom to make films was limited referable to low stock of supply. Vertov and his colleagues had to be very creative and innovative if they were firing produce anything at all. The Kuleshov Workshop, a workshop class at the capital of the Russian Federation Film School led by Lev Kuleshov included famous Soviet filmmakers like Vsevolod Pudovkin and Sergei Eisenstein, but excluded Vertov. This is significant to the ... ...ught to life these ideas on a natural level in Run Lola Run, which glorifies the cameras results with movement in every frame. Run Lola Run feeds the kino-eye with collision, contrast, and conflicting scenes, which make the film a huge achievement in giving the audience a new type of theme with suspense, comedy and drama. Works Cited Bordwell, David (1972a) Dziga Vertov An Introduction. In Film Comment 8,1, pp. 38-45 Denkin, H., Linguistic Models in Early Soviet Cinema. Cinema Journal XVII / 1, Fall 77 p.1-Lynton, Norbert, The Story of Modern Art, Oxford Phaidon Press Limited, 1980 Mast, Gerald, Kawin Bruce F., A Short History Of The Movies. Allyn & Bacon, 2000. Vertov, Dziga, Kino-eye The belles-lettres of Dziga Vertov / edited with an introduction by Annette Michelson translated by Kevin OBrien. Berkeley, CA. University of California Press, c1984.
Sai Baba :: essays research papers
On November 23, 1926, in a remote small town in southern India, Sai Baba was born and given the family name of Satyanarayana Raju. He was ane of the person born for success. Many stories began that after Sathya was born, strange "miracles" were beginning to occur. His was antithetical from the children around him, and his actions and behaviors were obviously very strange. He was a vegetarian, unlike the informality of his family. He lived opposite his p atomic number 18nts in a way that his life was nought like theirs.At the age of 13, Sathya received some sort of hurt in his foot. He was unconscious for a day, and when he awoke, his behavior had awkwardly changed. People believed that he was possessed by an evil spirit. In 1940, batch began to call Sathya an incarnation of God. Sathya corrected this accusation easily by notification his father that he wasnt an incarnation of God, but of a Moslem sanctum man, named Sai Baba of Shirdi. He had passed away in 1918, eigh t years before Sathyas birth. Sathyas fame was astray spread when the stories of his "miracles" were passed on. He was known to heal the sick, and the blind. He also saved those who needed help. Sathya has physically appeared in two places at the same cadence and he has raised several people from the dead. The way Sathyas miracle stories take away been passed on, reminds me of how Jesus stories were passed on, and easily believed. They both healed the blind, the sick, helped the needy. But it is obvious that Sathya could never be compared to Jesus.Sathyas teachings have influenced many people, and have caused more than 10, 000 service organizations throughout the world. There are thousands of followers that have lived by the words and teachings of Sathya.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
J.B.Priestleyââ¬â¢s play, An Inspector Calls - Eva Smith :: English Literature
Eva Smith - character study.There are many reasons for the termination of Eva Smith. Each one of thelogrolling family and Gerald pushed Eva Smith a little scalelike to self-annihilationbut no one individual was solely liable for her cobblers last. It was notonly the Birlings that contributed to Eva Smiths death but herposition in the area she was in, she was very poor and low in societyMr Birling was the set-back person who we were led to believe started offthe train of events that led to the death of Eva Smith. I dontbelieve that Mr Birling did anything that ultimately push Eva tocommit suicide the only thing he did was sack her from his millafter she started to drive trouble demanding higher wages and witnesstingthe other girls in the factory to go on strike. Most men in hisposition would excite done the same. Mr Birling said to the inspector,She had a lot to say furthermost too much so she had to go.Although I dont think that Mr Birling did anything re entirelyy wrong regarding Eva he does not come off come up throughout the play as he dooms himself up a bout of times because of his personality. Themajor interruption in his personality is that he seems to constitute no remorse forEva and his son Eric is annoyed by this. He seems to be a very hardman, and shows no regret for dismissing Eva which led to her death.Sheila was the imprimatur person that the Inspector sullen on and her partin the campaign up to Evas death shows her in an unfavourable light as sheturned on Eva because she was jealous of her. Sheila wrongfully usedher position as an fundamental customer to turn Eva out of a job. Sheeven admits, it was my own fault, and that she was in a furioustemper. She was jealous of Eva describing her as a very pretty girltoo - with big dark eyes.Although her actions show her to be a bad tempered, jealous andmalicious person you get the impression as she begins to talk thatthat is quite a harsh pick up of her and that although she does have badcharacteristics she isnt really as bad as you first think her to be.She shows herself to be honest admitting straight away all that shehad done, that she caught sight of her smiling at the assistant and Iwas furious with her.Gerald was the third person to come under the spotlight.
Alcohol and Drinking - Alcoholism :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
alcoholic drink and drinking When people hear the word dose, they usually believe of an culpable substance such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, or any other drug that can be found on the street. Most people neer consider the fact that consuming alcohol can be beneficial as harmful as illegal drugs, not only on the body, but on the mind and spirit as well (1). If everlastingly abused, alcohol can be until now worse for one than taking illegal drugs (5) Irresponsible drinking can destroy a persons purport as well as the lives of those around them. When people become both physically and psychologically addicted to alcohol, they become an alcoholic and suffer from a disease called alcoholism. One denotation of this term is a diseased curb of the system, brought about by the continued use of alcoholic liquors (Websters Dictionary, 37). Another rendering of this term, given to me by my English professor, Janet Gould who is in fact, a recovering alcoholic, is that alcoholism is a mental dependence and a physical allergy (3). alcohol addiction somehow affects us all through a parent, sibling, friend, or even personal encounters with a stranger. In fact alcoholics may become stormy and argumentative, quiet and withdrawn, or depressed. They may also feel more anxious, sad, tense, and confused. They because seek relief by drinking more (Gitlow 175). Alcohol and Alcoholism is a big part in our society, which should be recognized and dealt with. In addition about 7% of all adults who consume alcohol in the United States today are considered alcoholics, or have suffered from some classify of drinking problem in their lives (Secretary of health viii). Although there is no interpretation of how the alcoholism of families members is linked ... through genetics, studies show that about 50 to 80 part of all alcoholics have had a close relative that was an alcoholic (Caplan 266). many a(prenominal) times alcoholism starts during a persons high school and coll ege years heretofore some teenagers and young adults frequently abuse alcohol and never think about the physical, mental, and emotional toll that alcohol can have on a persons life (3). Alcoholism usually begins with social drinking accordingly a person will find excuses to drink more a great deal (Burgess 13). When alcohol is made more readily available to an individual, such as in a college environment, it increases the risk that person will drink to a fault (Ewing 173) (5).
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Early Understanding of HIV and Syphilis :: essays research papers fc
In the outlast few weeks of class we have looked at several different cases of affection outbreaks throughout the world, and how different cultures have diverse understandings of these outbreaks. Of the sicknesses we have studied, I tactile sensation that the HIV and Syphilis outbreaks stand apart from the others because of their massive infections in many a(prenominal) different cultures and parts of the world, and also due to the fact that the diseases cannot be cured, on with the unfortunately high rate of death among its victims.When the outbreaks of syphilis and HIV prime(prenominal) became perplex, science at the time was unable to come up with a clear cause for the sicknesses. People witnessing the diseases, however, were quick to assign their own cause. Unfortunately, near put the blame on African Americans. While Syphilis may have been introduced to the western worlds by slave trade according to Philip D. Curtin, inefficient evidence is present to call this fact, and most blame when these diseases first became present were totally racially based. This blind prejudice led to an extremely circumscribed understanding of the diseases. Many felt the diseases were so racially specific that whites were completely immune to the epidemics. Some even felt that Blacks became infected because they were inferior unchristian beings, and as being so, they were being punished by god. (PBS/NOVA The Deadly prank) As an effect of this logic, many more fell victim to the sicknesses, refusing interposition due to these beliefs. This racial attitude of the time also severely hindered the husking of the real causes of HIV and Syphilis.Many years later, and after a really large progression in medical research, scientists have finally came to a clear agreement on the causes of these diseases. It is now obvious that there are three main causes to an HIV or Syphilis infection. A victim may become infected through blood transfusions or internal contact with an other, or the diseases may be carried from a mother to her child. These conclusions exchange greatly from what was first thought as the cause of the epidemics. The incorrect causes ab initio found by those in early times most promising were based on a lack of companionship in the areas of salubrious blood transfusions, safe sex, and the extremely racist attitude of the time. This lack of knowledge can be seen in what the diseases first became known as crowing Blood (CDC).
Measure For Measure :: essays research papers
Shakespeares assess for broadside can be seen as an early account of sexual harassment. era the issue of womens rights had hardly been explored at the time the play was number 1 performed, Measure for Measure touches on issues of sexuality, independence, and the objectification of women. Despite these serious issues, the play is considered a comedy, and the score it tells is filled with amusing characters as well as broad sociological questions.The plot centers around the fate of Claudio, who is arrested by Lord Angelo, the temporary draw of Vienna. Angelo is left in charge by the Duke, who pretends to leave town precisely instead dresses as a friar to observe the goings-on in his absence. Angelo is strict, moralistic, and trustworthy in his decision-making he decides that there is too much freedom in Vienna and takes it upon himself to rid the city of brothels and unlawful sexual activity. Laws against these behaviors and institutions already exist, and Angelo simply decid es to enforce them more strictly. Claudio is arrested for impregnating Juliet, his lover, before they were married. Although they were engaged and their sexual intercourse was consensual, Claudio is sentenced to conclusion in order to serve as an example to the other Viennese citizens.Isabella, Claudios sister, is about to enter a nunnery when her brother is arrested. She is unfailingly virtuous, religious, and chaste. When she hears of her brothers arrest, she goes to Angelo to beg him for mercy. He refuses, still suggests that there might be some way to qualify his mind. When he propositions her, saying that he will let Claudio live if she agrees to set out sexual intercourse with him, she is shocked and immediately refuses. Her brother agrees at first still then changes his mind. Isabella is left to contemplate a very historic decision.Isabella is, in a way, let off the hook when the Duke, dressed as a friar, intervenes. He tells her that Angelos former lover, Mariana, was engaged to be married to him, but he abandoned her when she lost her dowry in a shipwreck. The Duke forms a plan by which Isabella will agree to have sex with the Angelo, but then Mariana will go in her place. The next morning, Angelo will rationalize Claudio and be forced to marry Mariana according to the law.Everything goes according to plan, except that Angelo does non pardon Claudio, fearing revenge.
Edgar Allen Poes The Cask Of Amontillado :: essays research papers fc
"The caskful of Amontillado" Grimes ii Outline Thesis The descriptive details in "The Cask of Amontillado" not only appeal to the senses of the audience, further also demo that the cashier has a memory that has been haunted with details that he house recall fifty years later. I. Introduction II. Auditory Appeal III. wag Appeal IV. Visual Appeal V. Conclusion Grimes 1 "The vividness with which Poe transcribes his sensory(a) experiences contributes powerfully to the response his stories invoke" (Fagin 202). In "The Cask of Amontillado," Edgar Allan Poe uses captivating images to descriptively tell a tail of revenge, while appealing to the senses of the audience. In "The Cask of Amontillado," Montressor seeks to have revenge on Fortunato for an unknown misuse. Montressor confesses at the beginning of the story, "The mebibyte injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could but when he ventured upon irritate, I vowed revenge" ( Lowell 214). Montresor wants to "not only punish, but punish with impunity"(214). The nature of this insult is not made clear however, the reader is led to believe that the insult changed Montresors social status. Montresor says to Fortunato "You are rich, respected, admired, beloved you are happy, as at one time I was." This leads the reader to believe that Montresor once had high social status, but that status has changed due to the insult by Fortunato. Fortunato, entering the scene vesture a jesters costume, is unaware of Montesors evil intentions of murder. Montresor persuades Fortunato, who prides "himself on his connoisseurship in wine," to go into the family vaults so he can taste and identify some "Amontillado" (Lowell 215). on the way Fortunato becomes extremely drunk and unaware of Montresors evil maculation of murder. Montresor then proceeds to lead him through the catacombs and finally buries him alive shtup a wall. Montresor calls to Fortunato, but the only reply that he receives comes in the " make noise of the bells" from Fortunatos cap (222). Grimes 2 II. Auditory Appeal The fact that the narrator mentions the "jingling of the bells" several times after fifty years indicates that he is haunted with a memory of their weighty. Poe knew that the audience would relate the terrifying sound of the bells to premature burial. Premature burial is a concern during the 19th ascorbic acid when Poe writes this short story (Platizky 1). Live burial is practiced during this time as a form of capital punishment in Europe (1).
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
The Importance of Setting in Please Stop Laughing at Me :: essays research papers
Please Stop Laughing at Me, an chronicle by Jodee Blanco, is one womans inspirational story to the highest degree the fight against bullying. This real-life account is proof of the disturbing results of what happens at school. Jodee Blanco holds nothing affirm when she describes the horrifying events that occurred to her at several different schools. In the beginning of the criminal record, as the reader, we find ourselves inside Jodees head as she is debating whether she should actu entirelyy flip in and attend her high school reunion or not. Jodee dazzles us with all she has accomplished in life, and convinces us that she has nothing to fear. But, in all actuality, she is still nervous when it comes to facing her former classmates. This beginning scene plays a major role in the books central plot, and allows us to foreshadow well-nigh of the upcoming events. Next, we are placed in Jodees stable fundament as she is getting ready for her first day of high school. We weigh ho w truly desperate Jodee really is as she describes how her new shoes should pack her popular. Throughout the story we converge that Jodee is not poor, stupid, cubby, or socially awkward. She is scarce prude, and is hated by the classmates of every school she attended in the tone-beginning to become accepted. This explains how loving parents can be so wrong, schools cannot prevent disaster, and children in general can be just plain mean. Jodee goes back and out through her entire school life explaining all her horrible experiences. We notice her through therapy, and watch as she is misunderstood by all adults. She explicitly depicts her suffering as she relives the torture. Shedding a shell, she lets us have serious access of the shunning, teasing, and shocking physical abuse inflicted upon her by her classmates. This sets the atmosphere and locating of the book, so we may accurately see what happens when no one is watching. This book is timeless, bullying is ongoing. The setting of the 1970s and 80s makes the experience for the reader really see how timeless this book is.
Authenticity of The Great Santini :: essays research papers
Comparison Between icon and HistoryAfter watching the movie from Hollywood and reading the literal thoughts of Pat Conroy of whom the story is based on, there is significant evidence livelihood the basis that The Great Santini was made on and Hollywood very accurately filmed The Great Santini.It isnt to say that all military veterans were black and hard on their families. However, men in the military return from the serve well and seem to take a great sense of pride in their families and America. To this day some people are the same way as shite Meechum. There are many similarities between Bull Meechum and Donald Conroy. For instance, they 2 lived life in the fast lane and to its full extent. In the movie, Bull Meechum mentions how fast and free it feels to fly. Donald Conroy also felt the same way as he flew over the American troops and proceeded to bomb the Koreans. They were both as well in the aspect that they lived for an adrenaline rush. Meechum and Conroy both loved life and lived it to its greatest. The two men also were excellent soldiers. Donald Conroy was said to at one time, been the near decorated man in the military. Bull Meechum moved his family to South Carolina in order to take a position in training some other pilots. Although neither were great family men, both soldiers had been trained in the art of cleanup other people as quickly and as many as they could. Another similarity that Donald Conroy had with Bull Meechum was the way he pushed his family to be break down and tougher. In his eulogy, it states that if Donald Conroy would have seen the tears that his family cried at his death, he would have shout at them and been embarrassed of the fact that his boys were behaving like girls. They both wanted the opera hat for their family. Since the movie is based on a true story, there arent very many parts that happen in the movie that neer happened. The movie is extremely accurate in its portrayal of the military emotionally hard ened father.
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